

Platte County Economic Development Corporation promotes and facilitates business and industry endeavors for current and future generations.


Platte County Economic Development is a well-respected and proactive professionally staffed organization which acts as a positive force in promoting and supporting a positive business environment and our prosperous communities.

What is Economic Development?

“Economic Development is a process that influences the growth and restricting of an economy to create wealth, jobs, improve quality of life, and ensure the economic stability of a community.” ~ International Economic Development Council

Jobs are a primary measurement used for economic development but the quality of jobs is of utmost importance.

  • Do the new jobs pay a livable wage?
  • Will the jobs keep our kids in the area?

Other measures of economic development include increased tax base, capital investment, payroll, value added to products and processes, and infrastructure investment.

PCED is working on all areas of Economic Development for the citizens and business owners of Platte County but we cannot do this without the support of our Membership. Thank you to all of our Members for your investment in Platte County’s Economic Future!