16th Street Corridor Study Maps & Exhibits

The 16th Street Corridor is one of the most heavily traveled roadways in Wheatland at 2,000 to 6,000 vehicles per day. It is also perceived to be confusing and unsafe by visiting drivers which can be seen by the high amount of accidents, in comparison with other similar roadways in the state, totaling 41. Sections of the roadway is in a state of disrepair with uncertainty of ownership for needed maintenance and improvements. In its current state, it is unsafe for other modes of travel and presents barriers for bicyclists and pedestrians alike. Most of the roadway corridor lacks sidewalks and the (2) two existing pedestrian crossings are poorly identified.

The Town of Wheatland, assisted by Platte County Economic Development have commissioned AVI p.c. , an engineering and planning firm, to study the 16th Street corridor. The Consultant has been hired to investigate safe mobility options for all transportation modes, proper traffic control striping and lighting, as well as drainage and infrastructure needs along this corridor.  This is a planning study to identify issues and make suggestions to the Wheatland Town Council to use as a reference for future planning and to also address issues that need to be corrected presently.  Our hope is that the Town of Wheatland, businesses and residence will work together to put forth a guideline as to what we would like the corridor to look and function like to positively impact business operations and residential living alike.

The boundaries of the 16th Street Corridor project are from South Street to Swanson Road (south and north), and I-25 to 15th Street (west to east).

The primary purpose of the project is to create a planning document, as well as a 35% plan that will guide future development of this area. Preliminary cost estimates for those solutions will also be developed. Your ideas and comments are important, as they will have a direct impact on the decisions made about what future development will occur and what the roadway network will look like. The end result of this project will include the following:

  • Create a realistic guide document for the future development of the corridor and surrounding area.
  • Develop a priority list of future roadway and infrastructure improvement projects.
  • Develop intersection alternatives and improvements along 16th Street at Oak Street, South Street, and Swanson Road.
  • Review options for bicycle, pedestrian, industrial freight, and passenger vehicle use on 16th Street.

Take a Brief Survey

thumbnail of 16th Street Conceptual Plan North

thumbnail of 16th Street Conceptual Plan South

thumbnail of 16th Street Existing Conditions

thumbnail of 16th Street Corridor Study Schedule